Poland to probe mysterious death in Egypt
PR dla Zagranicy
Victoria Bieniek
11.05.2017 07:45
A special team will investigate the mysterious death of a 27-year-old Polish woman in Egypt, Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro has said.
Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. Photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak.
On 25 April, 27-year-old Polish woman Magdalena Ż (name withheld due to Polish privacy laws) travelled to the southeastern Egyptian town of Marsa Alam for a package holiday, according to media reports.
Two days later her partner, who remained in Poland, was concerned by her manner over the telephone and started to make arrangements for her early return.
Meanwhile, the woman's health deteriorated and she was taken to hospital where she died after falling from a balcony on the first or second storey.
Ziobro said investigators have not ruled out murder, adding that the case may be “tied to human trafficking and … organised crime”.
The justice minister added that other lines of inquiry, relating to forced prostitution, human trafficking, people smuggling, coercion and violence that may have affected other victims, would also be considered by the Polish team probing the case. (vb)
Source: PAP