Visegrad Group announces migration crisis management centre
PR dla Zagranicy
Paweł Kononczuk
21.11.2016 17:10
Visegrad Group interior ministers on Monday announced plans to set up a migration crisis management centre to coordinate aid for refugees outside the EU in countries such as Lebanon and Jordan.
Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak and his Slovak counterpart Robert Kalinak. Photo: PAP/Jacek Turczyk
The decision was announced at a Warsaw conference of the Visegrad Group, comprising Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.
The meeting was also attended by delegations from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia.
Visegrad Group interior ministers reiterated their opposition to an EU-wide refugee resettlement system.
They spoke out in favour of supporting refugees outside the European Union, of tightening the external borders of the EU and laying more emphasis on a policy of immigrants returning to their countries of origin.
Visegrad Group interior ministers said such mechanisms would decrease tensions and migration pressures.
At a joint press conference, ministers announced the establishment of a migration crisis management centre, to be headed by Poland.
“This is... about allocating money from the budgets of our countries for real help,” said Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak.
“This is a practical initiative that will give us all the opportunity to more fully support refugees [in locations] where they are refugees, which is outside the European Union.”
Source: PAP