UK-based Poles scrambling for British citizenship
PR dla Zagranicy
Alicja Baczyńska
22.06.2016 09:35
The number of UK-based Poles applying for British citizenship and permanent residence documents has shot up ahead of Britain’s in/out referendum.
Piccadilly Circus, London. Photo:wikipedia
Many Poles fear the potential fallout of Thursday’s vote, in which British citizens decide whether to remain in the EU or leave.
“Over the past six months we have seen a surge in interest in obtaining some sort of confirmation of permanent residence, with the intention of gaining British citizenship further along the way,“ Barbara Drozdowicz, from the London-based Eastern European Advice Centre, told Polish Radio.
Uncertainty has also mounted among Polish nationals who have been living in Britain for years and have their documents in order. The Eastern European Advice Centre often receives inquiries about whether such people would be able to return to their homes after overseas holidays should Britons decide to sever ties with the European bloc.
The concerns come despite assurances by Brexit supporters that an "out" vote would not have a retroactive effect on immigrants already living in Britain. (aba/pk)
Source: IAR