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Poland aims to ‘Move your imagination’

PR dla Zagranicy
Peter Gentle 10.06.2011 13:05
The Polish Tourism Organisation (POT) has started a new campaign at a cost of 54 million zloty (13.7 million euro) to tie in with Poland’s six-month EU presidency beginning 1 July.


The campaign, Move Your Imagination, will be present in Great Britain, France and Germany, using TV ads (see videos below) and appearing in newspapers and magazines such as the UK’s Guardian, Germany’s Stern and France’s Paris Match.

It is estimated that around 13 million foreign tourists are expected to come to Poland in 2011.

“There has never been a promotional drive like it before,” Katarzyna Welpa-Draba, spokeswoman for the Polish Tourism Organisation says.

PTO’s chief Rafal Szmytke adds that Poland is to be shown as a country which is, “ intriguing, interesting [and] moves the imagination,” echoing the campaign’s slogan.

Research conducted by PTO in the countries where the campaign is being aimed found that Poles are seen as a modern and enterprising people, though Poland is still perceived as a historic, religious and agricultural country.

The campaign, however, aims to show Poland as a vibrant, modern state. (jb/ab/pg)

Move Your Imagination

Poland - Feel Invited

tags: tourism
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