Report indicates 3.1 million Poles considering emigrating
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
07.10.2015 16:08
A new report indicates that 3.1 million Poles are considering emigrating over the next twelve months for work.
Photo: Glowimages
According to the study by Work Service and the CEED Institute, this accounts for 14.7 percent of Poland's active or at least potentially active workforce.
The survey found that 5.3 percent of respondents said they were 'definitely' planning to emigrate, while 9.4 percent were 'rather considering it.'
However, while 26 percent of those mulling making the leap are currently unemployed, some 41 percent have full-time employment in Poland.
Over half of those considering leaving are younger than 34 years of age.
Overall, the estimated number of Poles considering emigrating has dropped. In March of this year, as many as 4.1 million people were contemplating doing so.
In a separate study, Poland's Central Statistical Office (GUS) has found that Germany is the most popular destination at present, followed by the United Kingdom. (nh/rk)