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Polish paraglider freed by Belarusian authorities

PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge 04.08.2015 08:52
A Polish paraglider who was arrested for illegally crossing the Belarusian border a fortnight ago has been released.
Photo: wikimedia commons/Franz84Photo: wikimedia commons/Franz84

The 26-year-old man was permitted to return to Poland on Monday afternoon through the Kuźnica border crossing point.

The paraglider had claimed from the outset that he had entered Belarusian airspace accidentally, after losing his orientation.

He was in possession of radio equipment, a smartphone, a torch, first aid kit, various tablets, a driver's license, bank cards and money at the time of his arrest.

The Pole has been fined the equivalent of PLN 2,000 for illegally crossing the border, and he has been banned from entering Belarus for five years.

A separate charge connected with breaching the laws on entering Belarusian airspace has also been levelled against him, and the case is pending.

Potentially, the 26-year-old could also be fined PLN 500 by Polish authorities for ilegally crossing the border. (nh/rk)

Source: PAP

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