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Deputy Foreign Minister calls for tough stance on Greece

PR dla Zagranicy
Jo Harper 08.07.2015 11:49
Poland will demand "tough reforms" from Greece at the EU summit on Sunday, Deputy Foreign Minister Rafał Trzaskowski said.
Rafał Trzaskowski (PO)Rafał Trzaskowski (PO)

Trzaskowski told Polish Radio that "serious reforms" would have to be undertaken by Greece.

“It is important for Poland that we avoid a crisis, which is why we will support an understanding with Greece, but on sensible terms,” he said.

All 28 national EU leaders meet in Brussels on Sunday in emergency session to discuss how to contain the fallout from Greece’s financial collapse. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European commission, has said the EU has a Grexit scenario prepared in detail.

With Athens seemingly coming to the negiotiating table empty-handed on Tuesday, fears are its government may not actually have a coherant plan at all. Greece has only 48 hours to strike a new bailout deal with its eurozone creditors or face a banking collapse.

The Greeks could today make a formal application for a new rescue package from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the eurozone’s permanent bailout fund. But only if they can outline a plausible debt-repayment plan.

Greece’s new finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, said on Tuesday there was “political will” in Brussels to keep the eurozone intact, although at some point the EU may simply lose its patience and cut Greece off.

Trzaskowski said it was not only Greece that was responsible for the current economic situation. “It is important to remember someone lent them money without too much thought of the consequences,” Trzaskowski added.

The minister noted that an obstacle in the path of resolving the Greek problem could be Russia and China. (jh)

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