Poles 3 spots happier than in 2014
PR dla Zagranicy
Jo Harper
24.06.2015 12:03
Poland has moved up three places to 57th position in the Global Well-Being Index.
Photo: Flickr.com/Lon Martin
Gallup and Healthways’ index puts Poland just behind Tanzania and Turkey.
In September 2014 a Gallup and Healthways ranking put Poland at 60th spot.
The index researched 145 countries, asking people about financial security, the purposefulness of everyday activities, personal and social relations and personal health.
Panama topped the ranking, with Afghanistan in last place.
Although Panama topped the poll overall it came in at number 30 in terms of financial security. Panama was followed by Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, both of which were also far lower ranked on the financial security segment.
Switzerland was in fourth spot.
Only Denmark and Austria of European nations were in the top 10. (jh)
Source: IAR/info.healthways.com/łp/buch