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Polish team wins programming medal

PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea 21.05.2015 07:19
A team from the University of Warsaw has come 12th out of 128 university teams competing in the 2015 International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals.
The Warsaw team (black) won a bronze medal. Photo: Facebook/ ICPC World Finals 2015The Warsaw team (black) won a bronze medal. Photo: Facebook/ ICPC World Finals 2015

The competition is the largest, oldest and most prestigious competition of its type.

During the 39th annual finals, which were held in Morocco, teams consisting of three university students each had to solve thirteen programming problems under timed conditions.

The winners this year were students from the St. Petersburg National Research University of IT, Mechanics and Optics.

Four gold medals, four silver medals and four bronze ones are awarded at the Finals, meaning that the Polish team received a bronze medal.

Initially some 38,000 students entered the competition, with 2,534 universities qualifying for the regional finals.

This is the 21st consecutive year that the University of Warsaw has reached the World Finals. Warsaw has won the finals twice, in 2007 and 2003.

The University later noted, “No other university in the world can claim that from the start it has been in the finals almost every year.”

Apart from the University of Warsaw the Jagiellonian University and the University of Wrocław both made it to the finals this year. They both finished in the top twenty, though not high enough to win a medal. (sl/rg)

Source: PAP

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