Swedish man flew illegal immigrants into Poland
PR dla Zagranicy
Roberto Galea
28.04.2015 12:31
Border guards in Poland caught a Swedish national trafficking immigrants by flying them in a prop plane.
Photo: Bieszczady region Border Guards
The man, who was caught with four illegal immigrants in his plane, told border guards that he didn’t know them, and only took them on board by mistake.
“There are different ways to traffic humans. Typically, less exclusive, [they travel in] cisterns, in cars under the floors, in a compartment in the side walls of semi-trailers. But this is the first time I have seen a small aircraft being used,” said the spokesperson for the Border Guards in the Bieszczady mountains, Elżbieta Pikor.
The five-seater Piper Saratoga plane was flying from Greece to Sweden. Two of the immigrants were Syrian, while the other two were from Iraq and Palestine respectively.
The plane made two refueling stops on the way. The first was in Macedonia, a country which in not part of the European Union.
Since the plane was therefore technically entering the EU from Macedonia, border guards in Poland checked the plane’s papers when it made a refueling stop in Poland.
The passengers had paid EUR 5,000 each for the trip. (rg)
Source: TVN24