Poles recorded footage of Charlie Hebdo attackers
PR dla Zagranicy
Nick Hodge
14.01.2015 12:38
Footage apparently filmed by Poles has emerged on the internet showing masked men shooting at a police car in Paris in the wake of the 7 January attacks on the office of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.
Image: Youtube
In the short clip, two masked men exit a black Citroen car in order to change the magazines of automatic guns.
''We have avenged the Prophet,'' shouts one of the men, indicating that by this stage, the shootings at the Charlie Hebdo office had already taken place.
Comments in Polish and French can be heard in the background as the incident is filmed from the window of a neighbouring building.
After the masked gunmen open fire at an oncoming police car, one of the group inside the apartment becomes increasingly agitated, and tells his friend Janek to stop filming.
''Janek, keep your head down,'' the observer says (''Janek, schowaj pałę'').
The filming then abruptly breaks off.
Ten journalists and two policeman died on 7 January as a result of the raid on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters.
New Charlie Hebdo edition
Meanwhile, the latest edition of the satirical weekly has gone on sale with a print run of 5 million.
The cover has once again used a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.
Although The Quran does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad, some later Islamic teachings have done so and many Muslims regard any such depictions as highly sacrilegious.
French and British Muslim leaders have appealed for calm regarding the current cover.
However, Abdallah Zekri, the president of France's Observatory against Islamophobia, has stated that the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo ''will add fuel to the fire.'' (nh)